Is Ionized Air Safe? The Truth About Ozone and Air Ionizers

Under certain conditions of use, ion generators & other ozone-generating air filters can produce levels of this lung irritant considerably higher than levels considered harmful to human health. Let's take a closer look at what ozone is & whether it's safe to use an

Is Ionized Air Safe? The Truth About Ozone and Air Ionizers

Air filters that use ionizers and electrostatic precipitators are other types of devices that emit ozone, but they do so as a by-product of their design and function.


, a lung irritant, is produced indirectly by ion generators and some other electronic air filters and directly by ozone generators. While indirect ozone production is a cause for concern, the direct and deliberate introduction of a lung irritant into indoor air is even more worrying. Despite what some marketers may say, there is no difference between the ozone present in outdoor pollution and the ozone produced by these devices. Under certain conditions of use, ion generators and other ozone-generating air filters can produce levels of this lung irritant considerably higher than levels considered harmful to human health.

The FDA may regulate as a medical device a small percentage of air purifiers that claim to have health benefits. The Food and Drug Administration has set a limit of 0.05 parts per million of ozone for medical devices. While ozone can be used to reduce odors and contaminants in unoccupied spaces (for example, to remove the smell of smoke from homes affected by fires), the levels needed to achieve this are above those generally considered safe for humans. The main distinction is that ozone generators deliberately produce ozone, while ionizers can sometimes produce ozone as a by-product. An ionizer works on the principle that negatively charged ions stick to allergens and dust, which are positively charged particles.

Allergens and unwanted particles then fall to the floor or nearby surfaces, ready for you to clean. Negative ions are believed to have a number of health benefits and can be found naturally in the environment in places such as the beach and after a storm. Ionizers can be a cost-effective option, but they are generally not as effective as air purifiers that trap particles in a filter (or destroy them completely). Nor are they capable of reducing levels of VOCs or chemicals in the air. Sometimes, air purification methods produce ozone as a by-product or even use ozone as the primary method of cleaning the air.

In addition, without proper coating, UV lamps used in PCO air purifiers can create ozone, just like UV-C air purifiers. While these air purifiers are somewhat effective in this regard, the process of adding an electrical charge to the air causes some free oxygen molecules to be converted to ozone. Electrostatic precipitation air purifiers remove dust and other particles from the air by imparting an electrical charge to these contaminants. In addition to this somewhat complicated solution for air purification, ionizers have the same ozone generation problems as electrostatic precipitation air purifiers. Skye portable air purifiers have many features that help them surpass ozone-emitting air ionizers. Likewise, Airfree air sterilizers do not emit ozone and are in fact capable of reducing the amount of ozone in the air.

An air purifier with a high-quality HEPA filter system removes particulates from the air without producing ozone. Instead of passing air through a filter to trap contaminants, ionizers emit negatively charged ions that attach to positively charged particles suspended in the air.

Let's take a closer look at what ozone is, how it could affect your body and whether it's safe to use an air ionizer

.Ozone is an unstable molecule composed of three oxygen atoms (O3). It is naturally present in small amounts in our atmosphere and is created when ultraviolet light interacts with oxygen molecules (O2).

Ozone is also created when pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) react with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in sunlight. Ozone is highly reactive and can cause damage to cells in our lungs when inhaled. When exposed to high levels of ozone for extended periods of time, people may experience coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, throat irritation, wheezing, or difficulty breathing. People with asthma or other respiratory conditions may be more sensitive to these effects. Therefore, it is extremely important to consider whether the ozone produced by a typical household air ionizer is acceptable for extended exposure. An ionizing air purifier, known as an ionizer for short, works differently from traditional purifiers with a mechanical filter, such as a HEPA air purifier.

They are included to improve the filtration effects of the air purifier, and not as the only method of air purification. While some air purifiers release ozone as a by-product, others release it intentionally, claiming that ozone can be a method of purifying the air. ISO-Air implements bipolar ionization without producing ozone, making it a safe and effective method for improving indoor air quality.