What are Air Ionizers and How Do They Work?

Discover what an air ionizer is and how it works! Learn about its benefits for health and how it can help you purify your home's indoor air.

What are Air Ionizers and How Do They Work?

An air ionizer is a device that utilizes a high voltage to ionize air molecules, creating negative ions (anions) and positive ions (cations). These particles are then attracted to walls, floors, tables, curtains, occupants, and other surfaces in the room. Abrasion can cause these particles to be resuspended in the air, so some ionizers contain a collector to attract charged particles back to the unit. The purpose of an air ionizer is to purify the air in your home by restoring a high density of negative ions in the atmosphere, as would be found in the purest environments on the planet.

Negative ions in the air are attracted to polluting particles (whatever their size or nature), such as meteorites attracted by the gravity of planets. By creating a large amount of negative ions, TEQOYA air ionizers reduce the level of contaminants in the room air and also restore the level of negative ions, equalizing their level in natural environments. The uninterrupted operating system of TEQOYA air ionizers is part of our commitment to the environment, which is good for your health, your energy bill and the planet. The advantages of using an air ionizer are numerous. Scientific studies have established the beneficial influence of anion-rich air (also known as negative ions) on our health.

These benefits range from improving respiratory levels to alleviating mood disorders or, however, improving cognitive performance. The impact of negative ions depends on the people affected; it is possible to feel less tired, have a feeling of relaxation and less irritability, better concentration, better sleep, etc. So how does this technology manage to capture the polluting particles contained in indoor air to purify your home? The main component is a special emitter that creates an ionizing field through which dirty air passes. Designed to last, TEQOYA air ionizers purify indoor air using very few resources (just 1.5 watts of energy), without filters or other consumables. The flow of negative ions is created and expelled from the ionic optics by electrostatic repulsion and by its attraction to all the objects surrounding the air ionizer. For best performance, it is recommended to use an air ionizer after cleaning the air with a purifier and running a humidifier.

In addition, for a more efficient operation of the ionizer, it is suggested to turn it on after cleaning the air with purifiers or to choose a purifier model with an ionization option. The quality of breathable air is especially important for residents of large cities who have to endure stress and air pollution. A number of air purification technologies and several operating modes are available for air purification devices. The SARS epidemic fueled the desire for personal ionizers in East Asia, including Japan (where many products have specialized to contain negative ion generators).Although some have suggested that these devices provide a benefit by correcting a hypothetical ion imbalance, no controlled study has confirmed this effect. There was no constant positive or negative influence of air ionization on anxiety, mood, relaxation, sleep and personal comfort measures.